
18 March 2010

The TV issue.

Somehow, I'm still watching Lost. And it's true what they say; it gets better. (It gets a lot worse first, though. You might want to skip the whole of the beginning of the third season.) The scriptwriters are getting pretty good at making us believe these people were really ballerinas and con men and doctors before they crashed on the island, but really, we know where it's at. Yes, Lost scriptwriters, we know you've been lying to us. It was a plane full of models that crashed on that island. And Hurley was the pilot.

(Afterthought: This theory also explains how, despite the fact that they're all supposed to be wearing clothes taken off dead bodies and what not, they always look FABULOUS. Because they know how to choose the right dead-people-clothes for their figure and complexion. Good job, models!

Further afterthought: Actually, there's another explanation: Lost is an American TV show. The end.)

By the way, at this moment, there are three groups of people huddled around three computers watching different seasons of Lost. I love my job.

Besides Lost, I've only been watching a little bit of American Idol. Has anybody been watching American Idol? Can anybody explain to me why the contestants feel the need to whip out a guitar for every little thing? Other than proving that Americans can sing and play guitar at the same time. How very wonderful for you all. (Also, as the seasons progress, the whipping-out-guitar-thing gets faster and furious-er.) I don't think anyone really jumps out at me this season. I still think Adam Lambert was the best thing ever to happen to that show, but now he's kind of prancing around in codpieces, which is, well, see for yourself:

I know.

After reading about the US passing this revolutionary health bill, I've realised that I actually don't have a country to call my own, which is very sad. I have two passports, but because I don't live in either of those countries, I'm not really a citizen, and don't qualify for healthcare, or pension plans or voting. I could go back to those countries, but I don't think I would belong there as much as I feel I belong in Singapore, with friends and family and food (oh, the food.) At the same time, I don't think I would ever give those passports up for Singapore citizenship - it feels too much like closing off those options forever, and I don't think I could bear it.

The working definition of having a government seems to be having someone you can blame for everything wrong with your country, but I think it's nice to feel that, at the end of the day, they are kind of looking out for you, you know, with various complicated scheme things that I am not eligible for.

But really, guys, let's face it: there's only one reason you've all been just hanging around reading this, and it's not for my charming conversation. And by guys I mean Mel Wu.

So without further ado, let me announce the winner of Claire's Favourite Lost Character.

Vincent. I LOVE Vincent. Nothing dramatic ever happens to him, he just has a ball of a time on that island. He's always running around, looking happy and barking at things. And he loves everyone, even though they're always abandoning him or passing him off to be looked after by someone else while they escape or have love lives or die. Every time I see him I feel happy, and that's probably his purpose, because everything else goes wrong on Lost except Vincent. Vincent should have his own show. It would be called Lost and Lovin' it! or, you know, something else, because that name sounds bad.


Mel said...

(Decided to post my comments here instead.)

Can I just say I'm really glad you're posting again? And it's kinda nice to see it on Facebook. Not that I didn't already check your site once today (the new post wasn't up yet). It's just part of the routine, yo.

Honestly, I didn't watch American Idol during the whole Adam Lambert spectacle. So I don't have much to say about him. (That picture is REALLY scary.) The last thing I really followed about AI was the Battle of the Davids. Have sort of watched some of this season; am sort of a fan of Crystal Bowersox (although she's one of the guitar-toting folk; I like that!). Didn't like her performance this week (couldn't understand the words) but still think she's the real deal. It will be shocking (in a good way, hopefully) when she finally puts away the guitar and mic routine and does something different. Really like her 'You can't always get what you want' rendition, although part of me wonders if she feels tired and unhappy somehow. She's mellow but sort of detached! I don't know. Don't want her to burn out.

I also sort of liked the quirky Siohban, but recently she has taken to screaming a lot. And not very well, either. Don't really like that. It was incredible the first time, not so much the third/fourth time.... See More

WOW all of this should really go into The Letter. Hahaha. And also: "Lost and Lovin' it!" HAHAHA I'd go for that!

Your forever Guy, Mel =)

claire said...

Yay! I'd rather you post them here too. Although I'm not sure why, haha. I keep telling myself I'm going to do a new blog format, but I have no time!

Anyway, how come you don't post actually blogs anymore? (Quotes are not the same, sadly.)

Mel said...

Hmm. I haven't posted a real post for a long time. I don't know - I feel quite uncomfortable about writing my own words on a blog. Hah. I don't feel funny or interesting enough.

Thus it has become a place where I can indulge my love for quotes. The ones I put up do have something to do with what I'm feeling/thinking at that moment. And I'm happy with it. I have no idea what it feels like to be an outsider reading it, though.

You can post this comment or just not post it. Haha.