
13 August 2009


I love this video, so much. It is my shining light in times of woe!

I know my shining light should be more mature things like, er, maybe God? or Les? or ice cream? But no, it is this video, because it's 1.28am, and I so wanted to be asleep four hours ago.


Mel said...

*Mel randomly visits Claire's blog, as she randomly does 57 times a day*

Mel: Ooh yay a new post! (Finally!)

*Dance of joy. Then scans the title and first sentence*

Mel: Prawns? And..a video. Wait a minute...This sounds eerily familiar...Why do I have a vague recollection of...But no, she wouldn't do that...

*Clicks link with apprehension*

*Pause, and then the unmistakable sounds of..*

Mel: CLAIRE!!!!!!!

claire said...

haha! letter in the mail for you! if it doesn't arrive today then singpost has LIED to us.

you're the only one who reads my blog anyway mel! the rest have long abandoned it in search of more reliable reads.

Mel said...

All is right with the world - Singpost has not lied to us! Saw your letter this evening when I stepped into my room. Very awesome, it is. Will try to write back soon, buddy. But I will need to think of things to say first. Hahaha.

Hope you sleep better tonight.